Goodbye English, Hello Dutch |
 Yesterday was our last full day in jolly old London. We spent the afternoon soaking up a little more of the tourism London has to offer, including the British Museum, St. Paul's Cathedral, and Tate Modern, a museum full of modern art I don't really understand. We wandered across the Tower Bridge (pictured in my post from June 2), which happened to be showing off it's drawbridging abilities just as we were strolling across. You don't see many ornate drawbridges like this anywhere, especially in action, so that was fun. For lunch, we dove headfirst into the poor traveler stereotype for the first time in earnest, with each of us buying a loaf of bread and some fruit at an outdoor market. Except for the all too unafraid pigeons, this made for a pretty comfy meal in nearby grassy Soho Square. For dinner we visited our favorite grocery store at Waterloo station for supplies, opting to be frugal and skip the restaurants. We had planned to go out dancing after dinner, but we struck up so many good conversations with fellow hostellers, they we just ended up staying in.
Hostel life so far has been somewhere between summer camp and freshmen year of college, where everyone is excited and enthusiastic, glad to meet and talk to you, and since we are all our own bosses, we decide when and where we go next. And no parents of course, although there always seems to be an old guy or two hanging around. I enjoy it. Still no warm showers though!
In addition to today being our last day in England, its also the last day we'll encounter English as a primary language. I'm not sure what to expect from this, but I will definitely say that it excites me! I do think Marc, Alex, and I have really taken for granted simple things like being able to order a drink in a loud bar and knowing how much to pay, buying food not based on it's appearance or packaging, and at least having a chance at understanding the subway announcer. I'm hoping that this disconnect will make for some funny stories.
We're off this morning by Easy-Jet to the Euro-trip capital city of Amsterdam, where you'll hear from me next! |
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