Monday, March 30, 2009
Why Am I Bothering to Write This?
I think I'll dedicate today's short post to trying to answer that question.

Perhaps one of the most basic reasons I feel the need to write a travel blog is a selfish one- quite simply, I feel it might be nice to someday sit down and read my own thoughts and feelings as they were formed during my excursion to a faraway land.

Another function I feel this blog will have for me is that of an outlet with which to reflect (publicly) on the events that occur to and around me as I explore new, unusual, scary and hilarious new places and situations. 

The biggest motivation for me to post here is simply because I believe I am about to embark on a journey that could prove to be rather interesting for me and, consequently, it could be rather interesting for you as well, provided that I sit down and write about it. It is my sincere hope that the words and sentences I tap out on whatever device I end up using, wherever I end up using it in Europe, will be compelling, intriguing, thoughtful, and maybe even humorous for those of you who choose to spend a few moments scanning them.

Put in simple terms, I am a chatty guy who enjoys writing, especially as a means of sharing my experiences and thoughts with people who will enjoy hearing them. I hope you'll be engaged, excited, and maybe even inspired, but definitely not bored.
posted by Michael at 3:00 PM -

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